Prayer Letter February 2024

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We recently had a gathering with international students from Ghana, Nigeria, South Sudan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Zambia, and the USA. 

People from all different backgrounds and faiths gathered to hear about the birth of Jesus and His plan to rescue us from our sins. Then we sang songs that further explained Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth! 

We had a blessed time! 

What our Zambian professor friends said about their experience in Chi Alpha, “Before we came to FSU, we thought we will just be learning about new teaching strategies as we are professors back in Zambia. But with our meet-ing every week and studying about God and His Word, we have grown a lot spiritually and in our knowledge about God. When we go back to teaching again at the university next year, we know now we can make a difference in the lives of our students by sharing with them the love of Jesus. We also de-sire to pray everyday and read His Word.“ 

Bryan got to share at the African Graduate Student Association end -of - semester gala.  It was an honor to share Biblical advice to graduates and soon -to-be gradu-ates about the realities of working in the corporate world. The people represented were from many different countries in Africa!  Bryan also got to wear traditional attire from Nigeria! 

Jeremy is 20 years-old and continues to enjoy going on walks, listening to music, and eating Mom’s great food. (Jeremy has autism and is non-verbal.) Abigail (18) is having fun at University of North Florida, and is looking into majoring in Computer Science or Engineering. Jonathan (17) is in his junior year in high school, and really loves video games! 


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to welcome international students to the USA.  And for all those students who desire, we teach about Christianity.  Over the years we have had the privilege of being involved in the spiritual development of international students from every continent except Antarctica.  We have the privilege of serving in a very unique environment, the secular university.


+1 (314) 485-9125


© Copyright Bryan & Cecile Ames