Bryan, Cecile, Jeremy (17), Abigail (15), Jonathan (13)
We started a Chi Alpha Ministry at the University of Missouri—St Louis (UMSL). During 16 years of ministry at UMSL and 6 years at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, we learned from God these 3 things:
1. The gospel is powerful and changes lives.
2. God's truth transcends culture.
3. God answers prayer.
It would be great to hear from you! Contact us here.
Throughout this website you will see students from many different nations. Although we are in the USA, we get to reach people from all over the world by reaching international students. Then they go back to their nations and make an impact for Christ! We also get to reach Americans, who will probably have the greatest challenge to their faith of their lives while in college.
Over 1,000,000 international students attend universities — many are from nations where missions work is prohibited or restricted. They go back to their countries to be leaders.
Why invest in reaching the university?
"The university is a clear-cut fulcrum with which to move the world...More potentially than by any other means, change the university and you change the world."
— Charles Malik (1906-1987), President of the UN General Assembly
"The average [person] makes seven major decisions in their life. At least five of them are begun in college."
— US Department of Labor
"In college, [Christian students] are assaulted by secular relativism, and if we don't prepare them, they will be like lambs led to slaughter."
— Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship
©2020 Ames